
So, I Just Watched Netflix's DAMSEL...

...And I'm wiping tears?? ...Because I loved this movie and the allegory and it was the perfect girl movie for International Women's Day which was yesterday??? This movie got a 58% Rotten Tomatoes score and I'm honestly confused! It was a beautiful perfectly original fairytale. In the good old days, this would have either been a sleeper hit in the theatres or a beloved classic discovery in the VHS rental market and likely overplayed at odd times on HBO like The Neverending Story. It for me is on tier with The Seabeast and Predator for excellent modern "girl-power" films, that should have been released in the theaters. It subverts so many fairytale tropes, and while it's predictable, I'm an old soul who still can cast myself back to girlhood and for me, again, the allegory touched me. Much in a similar way that Maleficent did, with its origin for the title character as a metaphor for the loss of trust and innocence after a violation, "a sexual assault" with loss of wings. It 100% wasn't intentionally this deep, but this for me was about the price of colonization; of adhered-to ancestral memory that the "winners" who write history carry, sacrificing 'the other" for generations destroying their own souls.... Until the convenient lies are finally faced. Ugh, I loved what they did with the dragon, with all the supporting characters, with the amount of harrow, and some consequential violence, enough to genuinely scare but not enough to scar. It felt very old school in that way. -Like a good solid 80's style fantasy, except for some of the non-practical effects. IDK, maybe it's just about my soft heart, but again...

This movie made me cry. I honestly and truly adored this fairytale.

#THISISAREC --For the fairytale girlies... The ones who like dragons, Grimm teas, and girls bloodied and determined.

in the source link there are 221 gifs of nick robinson in silk road (2021). they are white & born in 1995, please cast accordingly. these were made for roleplaying purposes. feel free to edit for personal use, but credit is loved! please do not my gifs if you write ‘t*boo’ plots. like and reblog if you want to make me smile! ♡ content warnings: kissing, flashing lights, shirtless man, drinking, alcohol, eating.
Source: wildwcmenrxs

"Why'd you do it?" Zach asked.

"Do what?" Y/N asked after Gray had successfully fallen asleep getting somewhere safe.

"You could have gotten away from that big dinosaur and left me to die, but you didn't. You came back. Why?" Zach's brown eyes were shining with emotion.

"I don't know." Y/N lied.

Zach got closer to him. "Yes, you do."

"I just didn't want you to get hurt." Y/N leaned into Zach's touch.

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