
hey! what would you say are your favorite small, atmospheric mods (like immersion-category stuff)?


This post might interest you: it has a lot of atmospheric mods, though some are big. I especially recommend Ghosts of the Deathbells, Windmills of Skyrim, and Scarecrows of Skyrim :)

This is kind of basic, but I really like animation variants/addons for NPCs. Stuff like EVG Animation Variance and all of CHIMgarden's mods just really add that extra little bit of personality Skyrim's NPCs desperately need

FrankBlack has been doing some cool work with Base Object Swapper to introduce more variety into the game.

Clofas' sound mods are really cool and immersive

While not a small mod by ANY means... Oh my gosh, I just installed Seasons of Skyrim and man does that do it for immersion over a longer playthrough!

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