
"This is what I think. Fanfiction, as long as you're not being too creepy with it, because there is a line - everyone knows what those lines are, don't cross the line - I think it's a great way for people to express their creativity and also read more. Because it's hard to get people to read nowadays. And if you're reading a fanfic, that is increasing your attention span a lot more than a TikTok, so I don't think it's a bad thing. I think obviously the lines are blurred a bit when you're writing about real people, and each individual might feel different levels of comfort about the fact they're being shipped with a fictional character or another YouTuber. I think that's more of a strange grey area. But for me - if you're not being too weird - I am alright with it." - Phil Lester, 2024

(Those lines not to be crossed and not being too weird most likely meaning don't send creators/people fanfic of their works/them and keep it in fandom spaces)

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