
YouTube has issues (2023 Edition)

YouTube would never let self proclaimed predators stay on the platform, let alone keep them monetized, right?

YouTube would never be cool with someone who has kissed 12 year old fans on video stay on YouTube, right?

YouTube would never keep people on the platform that threatened black women on camera, saying they'd bleach their skin, right?

YouTube would never give someone who paid a couple guys on Fiver to write "kill all Jews" on a sign for a YT video a custom play button, right?

YouTube would never monetize a creator that encouraged their young fans to shake their butts in their merch, right? That creator would never go to jail later, right?

YouTube would never demonetize terrorism recruitment videos, but keep the videos up, right?

YouTube would never allow groomers to be on the YouTube Kids front page, right?

YouTube would remove or at least demonetize scammers, right?

YouTube would punish a creator for doxing another creator for critiquing their videos, right?

YouTube would never tolerate grooming, harassment, doxing, or SA on their platform, right?

YouTube demonetizes your favorite creators for swearing to keep the kids safe, remember?


In celebration of Pride Month, PewDiePie uploaded a video called “I’m coming out”.

In the video, he “came out” as being Irish and revealed that he was lying about being Swedish his whole career. He stopped talking with a Swedish accent and began talking with an Irish accent and showed how much Irish DNA he has on Ancestry on the video.

He got massive backlash because people were pissed that he was using Pride Month to brag about being Irish.

Submitted by anonymous
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