
"Well, Dean always carries a blade, why don't we have Cas come take the blade out of my pocket and he can use it and we go from there?"

~Jensen Ackles

I can't believe we got THIS scene because Jensen Ross Ackles in his infinite wisdom was like: of course Dean would have a knife in his ass pocket. And OF COURSE Cas would know about the knife in Dean's ass pocket,


Sam’s birthday is coming up, and @seasononesam and I (@suncaptor) thought it would be fun to celebrate with an entire week of appreciation! Any type of creation is welcome, from gifsets, to art, to fics, to meta. We just ask that triggers and NSFW content be tagged and no w* content is included.

Please tag all creations as #samweek2024 so we can reblog them, or @ us if you’d like/tumblr’s tags don’t work


All prompts are specifically related to Sam Winchester

Day One (April 26th): Fusions: your culture, field of study, science, space, favourite music/books, interest, etc, & Sam Winchester

Day Two (April 27th): Favourite Sam Arc / Pre or Post Canon / Home / Liminality

Day Three (April 28th): LGBT+ Sam / Favourite Sam Relationships / Sam & Family

Day Four (April 29th): Neurodivergent Sam / Mental Health / Sam & Healing

Day Five (April 30th): Psychic Powers / Demon Blood / Lucifer

Day Six (May 1st): Autonomy / Abuse / Trauma

Day Seven (May 2nd): Happy Birthday Sam!

Also please don’t worry about being strict with the categories! If there’s something about Sam we didn’t include (as obviously there are many things we could have added) that you want to talk about just include it in the category it fits most or post on the final day!

We also acknowledge it's later than we sent the post out last year, so do know if you only participate one of the days/the final day/post late we would still love to see it and are just excited about new Sam content!


I wish we had a supernatural episode in nyc. Two kansas silly guys getting lost on the subway while trying to hunt down a vampire or demon. Dean complaining about no parking anywhere. Sam carrying a comically large map around.


I ducked behind the drapes when I saw the moon begin to rise

gathered in my loose ends switched off the light

and down there in the dark I can see the real truth about me

as clear as day, Lord if I make it through tonight

then I will mend my ways and walk the straight path to the end of my days


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