Herro Anna.

How do you find the strength to believe in yourself when no one else does? from Anonymous

Noone else can contribute to your happiness and success except you. You are your biggest support system and number one fan, that’s all that matters

hi anna! how did you actually find a good therapist that you trust and can talk openly to? i feel like going to therapy would help me a lot but i don't know where/how to start. (and also there's the money problem but let's keep that aside for a moment) from percesphone

I actually had to go through a couple therapists before I found the best one for me! And I knew he was awesome because he guides me through my thoughts and shows me different perspectives. I could be confident and trust him about anything

Hi Anna, I love you btw. When do you know it's time to get help when you suspect you have a mental illness? from sarnation

Love you too. Have you tried speaking to anyone? Maybe a close family member or friend? It helps to have a discussion with people you trust and are confident with your feelings. 

How do i stay happy with my life when it's great instead of wishing I was everyone else... Getting lost in lives of people I don't know any forgetting how great my own is from elvenbunni-blog

Your life has a purpose that only you can fulfill in this world. That in itself is a beautiful thing. 

Not a question, I just want to confess my love to you. ❤️ you're truly a beautiful person. from Anonymous


I'm trying to start therapy but I'm scared. I guess I partly feel guilty for relapsing but it's just hard for me to adjust to change. I have the numbers I just need to call. What can I do to get through this? from Anonymous

That’s a step in the right direction. You got this, don’t feel guilty! You’re doing this for yourself, that’s all that matters. I think everyone should have a therapist

hey anna, i hope you don't mind me asking this question, but have you ever dealt with the fear of the end? the end of a friendship, a relationship or even just life in itself? how do you deal with such moments? sending you loads of love, Anna! from Anonymous

All the time. It’s scary to feel like you’re nearing the end of anything, but for me personally it also is a blessing. Because it makes me put everything into perspective and is a positive lesson for me. Like, if my relationship was ending, why and how did it get to that point? What can i do to better myself and what have I learned? As for life, I’ve realized that it’s the best thing anyone could ever ask for, and I know whenever it’s over, I’ve lived a pretty damn good one ha!

I'm changing therapists because I'm moving. How do I know when I've found a good therapist for me? from fleetwood-mac-andcheese

When you feel confident in your therapist. I think of my therapist as someone I don’t expect for advice but someone to guide me through my thoughts, and help me untangle them.

Why do you think that talking about mental illness is a taboo topic or a topic not many people, especially in the media, talk about? from plushbunny

I think it’s because people want to be able to understand things right away and to be defined in simpler terms. They wanna be able to be like “oh? depression? Yeah I know everything, here’s the solution!” When really it’s different for everyone. And because it is a difficult topic people choose to not want to understand it, and shut it down or ignore it, especially the media.