
"The Other Holy War" gouache on arches paper 60 x 40 cm very happy to finally be able to share what is now my largest illustration to this day with you all. This illustration was commissioned for the cover of the upcoming TTRPG "Let Us Build a Tower", an incredibly ambitious project with over 100 illustrations by an array of incredibly talented artists, for which the preview is now live on Kickstarter, make sure to bookmark it so you don't miss the launch ;) right now you can also find the full resolution file of this painting, along with the thumbnail sketch and charcoal value study (which will remain Patreon exclusive) on my Patreon, so make sure to check that out too!


Influential RPG adventure writer, artist, and video game creator Jennell Jaquays has died.

She was a founder of the Dungeoneer zine before it was sold to Judges Guild. Her D&D adventures Dark Tower and Caverns of Thracia became classics, often studied as examples of adventure design. She also wrote and illustrated for TSR, Metagaming, Steve Jackson Games, and many other publishers. Her video game career included developing many of Coleco's titles in the 1980s and level design for the Quake sequels at id Software in the 90s, and she co-founded the SMU Guildhall video game program.

She recently was hospitalized for symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome, and a GoFundMe to cover her medical expenses is still active.


we could have mobile games like cool math duck life and papas pizzeria and bloonz tower defense and old masterpieces like original angry birds and jet pack joyride and small online games like webkinz home before dark and polar bear plunge and flash games like holeio and snake and we could have barbie dress up and horse riding and we could have them all without thousands of shitty 2 minute ads and microtransactions and unskippable popups and imbedded app store links and we could have new games new incredible story based adventures, puzzles, well designed mini platformers, we have an entire universe of unexplored medium right here in the palm of your hand! we could have REAL games! real wonderful games not misleading not clickbait we could have everything in the whole wide world and we could have them them on the phone! WE COULD HAVE THEM ON THE PHONE !!!!!!!!!!! DOES IT NOT MAKE YOU SICK???? DOES IT NOT SHATTER YOUR HEART !!!!


After The Tower Falls

Here is the secret: eventually, the ache stops, the devastation quickens and then slows, the anger arrives righteous and in want of a reckoning,

and then, it turns back to shadow, suddenly, as if had not been burning a moment before, and in that empty space, there is quiet, and in that quiet, there is relief, like cool water from a soft stream, your heart

is no longer howling, and the pieces of the past all around you

no longer feel like destruction, but a fresh start, flowers growing out of the cracks, a bright song of possibility,

and you know you survived it, the worst thing, the impossible thing, the heartbreak

didn’t break you after all— breathe.


Portrait of Mistress Therana, Lady-Sorceress of Tel Branora

Long centuries of life sustained by magic have largely eroded the sanity of venerable Therana and being thus completely indisposed to managing affairs of Tel Branora—this duty came to rest with her retainers and it is really only thanks to them the town was able to settle into a bucolic life of wizard's tower—selling pearls and whatnot—rather than that of a mushroom-shaped loony bin.

P.S: Depending on how much you zoom in/out, Therana may appear to be either frowning or grinning.


Digital painting. Made in Krita. Feel free to repost, reupload etc. I am always looking for a commission to paint.

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