Anonymous asked:

Do you know any shitty Derek hale x good kid stiles (preferably hs) AUs?


Anonymous asked:

Hi! Umm, do you have any fics where Stiles is soft and shy while Derek is sort of popular or bad boy esqe? 😬, I'm sorry if I'm not making sense 😔.

It does make sense. I got ya'll.

(1/1 I 2,135 I General)

Derek asks Stiles out on valentines day, but Stiles mistakes it for a prank. Leaving Derek confused, and Stiles hurt, can their friends fix it?

(1/1 I 2,520 I General)

Derek is the schools bad boy while Stiles is a goody good. Derek can get any girl he wants with just a look and Stiles has to struggle just to make friends. They're complete opposites. However, what happens when one day they both get detention and the teacher leaves the room?

(1/1 I 4,323 I Teen)

“What do you want?” Derek practically grows when Stiles is near enough to hear. He can definitely feel the werewolf vibes coming from the guy as well as the fuck off vibes that roll off him in tsunami-sized waves.

Stiles has one thing he needs to say to Derek, but he also has eight million questions to ask him about the werewolf thing and he can barely sort out his thoughts as it is, let alone when there’s a ridiculously attractive werewolf who’s basically Adonis staring at him. Derek takes another drag of his cigarette and raises his eyebrows at Stiles expectantly. He shivers and blurts out, “Six minutes.”

That makes Derek smirk, but it’s so condescending that even Harris would be impressed. “No offense, Kitten,” Derek starts and Stiles just narrows his eyes at the nickname. Derek keeps his eyes trained on Stiles as if to dare him to challenge the nickname. Stiles bites his tongue and resists it. “But you’re not really my type.”

(1/1 I 4,510 I Mature)

Stiles doesn't care about the rumors surrounding Beacon Hills High School's resident bad boy, Derek Hale. In fact, he thinks the rumors are total crap. Of course, being secretly in love with someone has a way of clouding one's judgment.

However, he knew for a fact that Derek liked books. So when the two paired up for a final English project, he was excited (but also a little terrified).

But you know what they say...never judge a book by its cover. The same goes for people.

(2/2 I 12,122 I Explicit)

“What’re you doing here, Stilinski? Did you only score half the winning points at the last lacrosse game instead of all of them?”

Stiles snorts and says, “I thought you were locked up, Hale.”

Derek huffs a laugh and drawls, “Not quite yet.”


A Breakfast Club AU

Anonymous asked:

do you have any headcanons for pregnant stiles and doting husband Derek? I read your fic about Cora being mean to Stiles and loved it!!!!

Thank you! 💜

  • First of all, Stiles would definitely acquire some wolf habits while pregnant. He would want really rare meat, and he would nuzzle Derek more and scent him
  • Derek would go feral. F E R A L. He'd become so obsessed with Stiles, it would come off as creepy. He would glue himself to Stiles' back, sniffing him or just purring, but he would also make sure to hold Stiles' belly so he could rest
  • Derek would also go more wolfy. He'd guard the house, and sniff every food before giving it to Stiles. He would hunt for him, big game. He would lay at night awake staring at Stiles with his eyes glowing red with his heart pounding for... different reasons
  • Stiles would get super clingy and needy and fussy but Derek would only grin because it means his mate needs him and his attention
  • Both of them would be so fucking horny all the time, the further along the worse it gets. Stiles would basically think Derek is god, and Derek would run into walls cause he stared at Stiles too hard. Stiles for him would become, like, the epitome of desire and love
  • They would fuck everywhere
  • Derek's hands would never stray far from Stiles' belly. He would caress it, or just listen to the baby’s movements and smile when the baby kicks
  • Also Derek would get a heart attack every time something goes wrong, even if Stiles just stubbed his toe, he'll go barking
  • Derek would make sure to make pregnancy as easy as possible for Stiles. He'll take every bit of his pain away. Weird food cravings at 3am? Sure, babe. Can't tie your shoes? Sit down and relax. Everything would be at Stiles' feet
  • It takes one look at Stiles rubbing his stomach absentmindedly for Derek to want a second baby. He would never tell Stiles but he wants to keep him barefoot and pregnant, like, always
  • Stiles wouldn't mind (because it's Derek)

Stiles trying to find a not insane way to tell his best friend that his stalker is his sort of werewolf husband who he acquired on accident and now is also panicking because what the fuck?

He was just trying to hit on a hot guy who for some reason was very very into him. Only to find out mid hook-up that they are basically married now and is low-key freaking out

Meanwhile Scott is having an aneurysm


My theory is that once Stiles and Lydia broke up ( I'm guessing 2/3 years later), Stiles eventually moves closer to Beacon Hills to be closer to his dad cos it's so obvious that Stiles has always been worried about his father's health and losing him.

In addition I think another career alternative or a career change ( eventually) for Stiles would be that he'd do the same job that Braeden does( which im still unclear about what her job exactly is) , with Derek occasionally joining him.

I believe that Derek stayed with Cora for the first 3 to 5 years of Eli's birth cause u know damn well Cora isn't gonna let him raise her nephew alone .

Somewhere along the way when Derek starts worrying about Eli being a werewolf and his shift, he decides to move back to Beacon Hills.

Stiles and Derek meet after years and talk, Stiles loves Eli and so does Noah. Eventually Derek and Stiles get to talking about their feelings and date while sort of have a co parenting thing gng , which explains why Noah is so close to Derek and Eli in the movie.

Which is why i think all the deputies also know that when Stiles is away on his work trips or away for work, Eli copes by stealing his jeep.


Emergency Contact

Scott bails on Stiles in an emergency, yet again, and Stiles finally admits he should probably start calling someone else instead.

(My brain has this as two entirely different genres depending on the pairing:)

  • Sterek: Rom-Com

Stiles changes his emergency contact without telling Derek, said 'emergencies' including everything from running out of snacks to an actual monster attack. Stiles uses an app that automatically sends an SOS if you press the volume button a certain number of times in a row. Derek always picks up when Stiles' name pops up on his phone despite grumbling about it every time.

  • Steter: Angst w/a Happy Ending

"An emergency contact? I'm touched, Stiles."

"Don't read into it, Creeper Wolf, I just needed to put someone who would actually pick up."

Stiles' words caught in his throat as he heard what he said but it was already too late.

Peter hummed questioningly, a smirk growing on his face.

"What's this? Did you just call me reliable, darling?"

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