Anonymous asked:

Omg can I ask to know more about your pirate ocs? They're lovely 🥺🤲🤲🤲

Thank you for asking omg!! I love OC questions. Right now the pirate crew ocs are still just little mullings in my head as I work - some of them more fleshed out than others.

What I do have down pretty solid is their ship name and time period - Moon Swallower, late 1600s. It's a references to the Bakunawa, a serpent from certain mythologies in the Philippines that's set out to eat the moon for reasons that can vary depending on who's telling the story. The crew originally sailed about South East Asia, but later moved to waters around the Caribbean and North America's east coast. It's why a lot of the older crew members are SEA or Southern Chinese (Lintang, Liwliwa, Bato, Zhao, Hai) and the newer additions/younger crew range differently.

The running theme for the story is vengeance and closure, though everyone aboard the Moon Swallower has a different approach to it. Atm I'm fleshing out the captain's story and personality since it seems a good place to start. Lintang claims to be a ghost of revenge, and wants to wipe imperialists off the map. She's a soft spoken tactician and unbending in will or mercy.

Expanding out from her I've taken a shine to the first mate Liwliwa and the young Orisa. I'm not tooooo sure on their exact backstories yet, but I do know the dynamics between them and the captain. Liwliwa suffered a life similar to Lintang and acts as her mouthpiece to the crew, however, where Lintang is reserved and controlled Liwliwa is painfully heart-on-sleeve and in search of guidance. Orisa is Lintang's daughter picked from a bad situation in a port. Orisa is afraid of her own face, but confident in her lucks and skills. She grows from a quietly sorrowful child to a loud and frequent laugher.


Orisa and Efi Rotìmí Opèyèmi Oluwadaré Gabrielle Oladele in Introducing Orisa | Overwatch

“But that name. No, that’s no good. Every great hero needs a real name.” This robot would be Numbani’s protector and savior; she needed a name that would carry with it great weight and honor. “What about … Orisa?” Efi said. The thought had come to her as naturally as breathing, named for the spirit gods of her people. “My name is Orisa,” the robot said, settling back onto her haunches and nodding once, as if the name suited her. But in the next instant, she was back on high alert, golden eyes narrowed into slits and trained firmly on Efi. “I will keep you safe. That is my primary function.” - "The Hero of Numbani" by Nicky Drayden
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